Notes from my career hiatus.

Let's get the ball rolling

It's about to be a month since I left thirdweb and I think it's fair to say that I've been wandering.

Here's what I've read, a few in full and most in bits and pieces:

I've read these things with the intent of pinning down my curiosity into something of a concrete research project that I'm willing to spend time working on.

One promising idea was to read through Road To Reality and note down its core ideas, chapter by chapter, in a digestible manner (to ensure that I myself have understood those ideas) in a way that builds up to the book's larger insights. I'd like to do this at some point but its breadth is intimidating.

Luckily, I've rediscovered Jeff Russell's Limits of Logic, whose scope is equally vast, but within the domain of Logic, for which I have enough burning passion as fuel for the long road to understanding. I've just finished a first reading of it today. A quirk of the book is that all important results are presented as exercises, and the author claims that enough has been explained for the reader to solve the exercises. I think it'll be a fulfilling project to run through thee book piece by piece, but rigorously, and actually solve the exercises. I'm not sold on a particular format, but I think it'll be exercise solutions and my own commentary on them.

My goal in doing this is to be able to explain the results in an accessible manner. This is also the author's goal, I believe, and the textbook has indeed been written for Philosophy (advanced) undergraduates and graduate students. However, as part of the intended audience of the textbook, I feel there's another level of explication that these results and their reach deserve. That's what I wish to attempt, and I find it exciting.

Let's see how this goes.