Notes from my career hiatus.

Limits of Logic #3: Kaplan's Paradox

1.5.6 Exercise: Kaplan's Paradox

Let P be a set of propositions, and let W be a set of possible worlds.

We’ll consider two relations between propositions and possible worlds.

We’ll make two assumptions about these relations.

Given these assumptions, show that there is at least one proposition which is not singled out by any possible world.

In other words, some proposition cannot possibly be uniquely believed.

Hint. Consider the function that takes each world w that singles out some proposition p to the set of worlds at which p is true.


Consider the function f:WPW such that:

If wW singles out some proposition p, then we have that p is true at all and only the worlds in f(w).

If wW does not single out any proposition p, then f(w)=.

Note that by Cantor's theorem, the function f cannot be onto. Therefore, there is some set of possible worlds XPW that is not in the range of X.

This means that no world wW singles out the proposition pX i.e. there is some proposition that is not singled out by any world. In other words, some proposition cannot possibly be uniquely believed.